tide advert:

the way tide has represented women is showing them as being a house wife, this was traditional for the time period that this came out as women were not allowed to have jobs and lived under men rules. This advert is made for the men and the females as it shows women being happy with domestic life and it is made for women because it shows how clean their house will be when they use tide so that they can please their husband. the main imaged used is a suburbs woman hugging the tide product and looking very happy. this is brand reconsecration and tells the viewer you will be happy when you use tide. the other two images is the woman doing domestic lifestyle and enjoying it because she is using tide implying that tide is the best product to get. the final image is a tip to buy tide as it is the best product this influences the men to buy tide so that they can have the best house. the colours used are vibrant red and white, this helps the text stand out when it is near the black and catches the viewers attention the red is also used because it is brand reorganisation as tide is red and red would remind the viewer to buy tide. The largest bit of text is tide got what women want, this shows that tide is a great product and that women are happy with domestic life style when they use tide. all the texts are perseveres techniques to get the viewer to buy into tide they do this by saying how good thew product is and how life changing it is when you use it. it has 3 reason why tide is different with long wording but the 3 tips has 3 bold red words showing that that is the main reason to buy it and it doesn't bore the reader with too much context. the layout puts the word tide all over the place to make sure the viewer knows to get tide as they are always being told how good tide is. the other lay out is the images are all over the place to confuses the viewer and make them always look at the wording tide to remind them to buy tide. the use of the white text shows how clean the product is too. they also use catchy wording to remind the viewer of tide.


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