The landscape of Africa in the advert is shown as beautiful but dry, with hard working people who work in the blazing sun, they do this as is is emotional manipulation as it show that we are more privileged than them as we have all accesses to water and we do not have to do labour in the blazing sun. it also shows that their country is drying as plants wont be able to grow with the lack of water, the African people are represented as happy and dull with joy, the reason for this is because they get water. we know that they had to travel far to get but them being happy over something so simple and something so needed is emotional manipulation as it makes the viewer feel greedy.
British people are represented as greedy as we have all the water, this is why they want people to help as other country's are not as fortunate as us. The advert starts of with a a close up of a radio and a blurry background of rain with he radio having a British accent implying that is it England. this is known as equilibrium it then cuts to a warmer colour plate showing that it is us vs them it also shows that English people are good as they help more people sing like Claudia as their donation helps do this meaning the more we donate the more we would hear sound wise from the advert the advert ends showing whilst this is all great there is still work to be done and this is only a start halls reception theory shows that people might find dominance and feel like they should donate to the organisation straight away whilst other might think that water aid is misrepresenting the whole nation and the people in it this is there oppositional reading. Whilst gerbner's cultivation theory believes that the add sends the same message that any other charity video that every charity has done and the same that has been done for hundreds of time , as it shows that the audience might believe that the whole nation of Africa is starving and is in lack of water. This can link to gilroy postcolonial theory as it shows Claudia and her community aren't given identity but are shown as a group, but it is a happy and joyful group, this is because they have access to water, showing that again it is Britain vs Africa it trivialises poverty and stereotypes people from a race to an audience. Water aid can do this because they have a lot of power and it can be shown to a wide audience as it is easy to understand.
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