Via Zoella's Site, we can see that through her latest blogs containing themes of 'revenge porn' but also self-care items that have a large demographic of subjects to cater to her original audience but also new audiences, she represents herself as a feminine oriented mature blogger. Through the use of colours such as pinks, she has branched away from keeping Zoella as her brand, which is shown from the multiple appearances of 'Team Zoella' connoting multiple members instead of Zoella as an individual, reinforced by the links to her Zoella Instagram account and her personal account. This is further strengthened by the use of colours such as pinks.

At the beginning of her tube channel, however, we can see that she initially introduced herself as the traditional young adult female and at this time with less attention of her brand creates a personal connection with her audience as they can easily relate to her, helping her to expand her audience and also attracting an audience with a similar personality and getting this natural ordinary young woman this helped her grow.


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