LNWH: Late Night Woman's Hour history and Background: this podcast is a late-night edition of the long-running, bbc radio 4 programme woman's hour . the podcast started in started in june 2015 and had a one month pilot run, scheduled twice-weekly on Thursday and Friday at 23:00 for one hour.The presenters for this first run were lauren laverne who is 41 and Jane Garvey who is 55 and led panels of five guests in discussion of a particular topic such as fan fiction or lust .Lauren Laverne then became the permanent host when the programme started a regular schedule in 2016, being scheduled as a monthly podcast which was then broadcast on Radio 4 at 11 pm on the last Thursday of each month. The topics discussed in the first run included the dating app, Tinder and lying. The conversation was frank and adult, this was suited for bbc 4 as their target audience was adults ages from age 35+ and reflects culture witch is the themes and topics shown within the podcas...
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